Københavnske FC St. Pauli fans
Støberiet og Brune Stjerne invitere til 7 mands fodboldturnering 23. maj.
Fodbold mod Terrorloven? - Det kan du lige bande på!
Indsendt af
Sune Hundebøll
Etiketter: brune stjerne, fodbold, fodboldturnering, nørrebro, terrorloven
2 kommentarer:
Hi Brune Stjerne,
I am not sure if your blog is still active? And I could not find a email address - so I am trying this way.
I am Andreas from Hamburg and for sure I am supporting the FC St.Pauli - from time to time I am in Copenhagen and actually I wanted to know where are you based or may be you have a common bar where you are watching St.Pauli?
Looking forward to here from you
sorry forgot my email apf1303@googlemail.com
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